HONOLULU (MARCH 2, 2012)— Sean Tadaki, one of the top producers from Hawaii’s largest commercial real estate firm has resigned and announced today that he has partnered with prominent real estate professionals Maria Chan and David Asakura to form Commercial Asset Advisors (CAA). Based in Honolulu, CAA is a full-service commercial real estate firm, specializing in commercial leasing, investment sales, apartment asset management, asset advisory, tenant representation and property management. The new boutique firm will leverage the deep knowledge, connections and dynamic capabilities of its three partners to provide clients with an elevated and seamless experience like no other in the state of Hawaii.
“We learned many years ago that brokerage is a true service industry, we don’t manufacture widgets or produce gadgets, we merely are here to serve our clients, protect their best interests, and garner them positive results through real estate. Understating the true definition of service, the act of helpful activity, we realized that one could not replicate this in volume but only provide quality,” says managing partner Sean Tadaki. “CAA is a boutique firm that will offer our clients the type of responsive and personalized attention and service that they deserve. Our clients will be dealing directly with either David, Maria or myself, ensuring that they will receive the most experienced and knowledgeable direction in all of their real estate transactions.”
This venerable “dream team” of founders has deep roots in the community as well as the Hawaii real estate industry. Over the last two decades they have worked on some of the biggest commercial real estate deals in the State, won numerous professional awards and achievements and have been named the top producers in their fields.
Each member of the team brings a unique background and breadth of experience, providing clients with a distinct and overarching perspective that bridges a number of distinct industries. The founders take great pride in their personal and professional relationships and community involvement and founded their company based on the principles of accountability, integrity and trust.
“We make no false pretense about our industry, we are not rocket scientists nor brain surgeons, we add value to our clients via real estate and create lasting relationships; with the goal of fostering a strong, caring, and vibrant community,” says Tadaki. “Our success is directly related to the success of our clients and we are very excited with this opportunity to help our clients grow their businesses and build new connections in the process.”
No matter what service they are providing, the partners at CAA ensure the highest level of professional attention that produces results that lead to long-lasting relationships. Hawaii is a very special place like no other in the world, and it is their personal endeavor to create a strong, caring and vibrant community.
Commercial Asset Advisors is a full-service commercial real estate firm and is located at the Topa Financial Center, 745 Fort Street, Suite 1420 in Honolulu, Hawaii. For more information on Commercial Asset Advisors, please visit their website at www.caahawaii.com or call (808) 564-3300